| - We've used Fetch on and off for years, and I would say "use them in a pinch, but avoid them if you can." They're constantly shuffling people around and using different folks, so you can pretty much assume that your instructions will NOT be followed no matter how many times you ask or are promised they will be. And whatever they repeat about "we try to use just one person, or maybe two, the whole time you're gone" is total BS; never happened even on short 3-day trips. Finally, times requested will NOT be honored other than "+/- an hour or so".
My biggest problem, by far, was that one of our dogs is getting near the end of his years, and he can't hold his bladder like a young dog. So we wanted him let out every 12 hours. Two visits for day is fine, but it had to be consistently the same time AM and PM to keep him on a good schedule. Well, we battled this for years and eventually gave up using Fetch. They couldn't keep a schedule despite vague promises and apologies constantly repeated. Eventually they started saying the times were "+/- an hour or so", which was nice that they finally got honest after a couple years, but still unacceptable for me. Come on, what human can hold their bladder for over 12 hours? How little do you have to drink to do that, and what would a doctor tell you that that does to your body? You can't claim to care about your pet and do this to them. We started asking about having 3 visits, one of them outside the normal 7A-7P working hours that way would could guarantee no more than 12 hours overnight, and wow, the price gets ridiculous outside those hours.
So we discovered we had 3+ friends and family who would happily get paid $30 per day to sleep in our house, eat our food, and spend some loving time with our pets. That's less than the price of 2 visits from Fetch. No brainier.