Credit One bank will not give credit to anybody with average or above average credit. Its bad credit people only. Yes - you will get a written denial that your credit is too good if you are average credit.
Credit one bank only deals with risky people. For that reason they charge a lot of fees.
Once you understand this it's easier to accept them for what they are.
In my case I am very happy with them. Back when I could not get any kind of a store card they gave me a chance. With a 300 credit limit (mind u I think I spent like $75 in fees) but off I was to helping my credit.
because of credit one now i have better cards and for that i'm very thankful!
Right before the 1 year mark i asked them for a limit increase and to waive the fee's - they denied both of my requests. I closed the card immediately.
My advice is for anybody with bad credit is to do what i did, use it, build credit, accept the fee's like a man and stop crying - then cancel them right before your first (or second year) right before the new annual fee kicks in.