During our second week of attendance, I arrived to pick up my 2-year old son to find him outside alone, unattended and unaccounted for, at the drinking fountain. I calmly walked into his classroom and tried to find out how long he had been outside. The teacher seemed surprised he had even escaped the classroom and no one seemed to know how it happened. When my husband spoke with the director, Nola Enge, shortly thereafter, she said that she would send out an email to the parents to remind them to close doors behind them and watch out for children trying to get out of classrooms (when did this become the parents responsibility?). Also, when asked about how the school could assure us this would not happen again, Ms. Enge said that she would have to look into the matter and call us back. Almost a month went by before my husband received a call back. Very little assurances were given (it would take time to install cameras and gates, and it would take a fundraiser). Suffice it to say Ms. Enge's response was less than acceptable. She then attempted to add insult to injury and charge us for the tuition for the 7 days my son attended The Hills (she later retracted her position on this).