Finished 2 - 2 year contracts but wanted the same monthly payment each and every month for new 2 year contract because at the beginning of a 2 year contract monthly price is approximately $70/month and by the end of the contract it is approximately $100/month. Directv said no problem, so they quoted me a price with no price increases of any kind except for taxes for each and every month of the 2 year term. 3rd month into new contract they give me a price increase. Directv denies what they agreed to. Turned them in to Nevada State Attorney General's Office and the Federal Trade Commission, both of which proved to be useless. Directv probably has the best product on the market, but for some reason they choose to sell it like dishonest used car salesmen. They knowingly promise customers things they have no intention of honoring to retain them as customers. Directv's written fine print contract says you are locked into a 2 year contract at any price Directv wants to charge. Even the Directv sales reps at Costco said they have heard nothing but complaints about this. Stay away !