| - After spotting a pretty decent-size water leak in my backyard Sunday-- the ground was already starting to sink!-- I feared the worse. Namely, that I had a leak in one of my main water lines. (The leak didn't stop when I turned off the irrigation feed). I called my gardener, just in case, but he (rightfully!) was off for the day. I left him a message to call me Monday-- but I also hit up Yelp (and Angie's List) right away to find a good plumber, just in case. The Pure reviews were solid enough, so I decided to give them a try. Customer service rep on Sunday evening was great, even suggesting ways I could save via my Angie's List subscription. I told her I was fine waiting for a Monday appointment (the water was off, and I didn't want to miss Game of Thrones to deal with this!) She gave me the standard two-hour appointment window. I asked if the tech could call before arriving, and she went one better: I'd get a text AND an e-mail. The estimate would be free.
Fast-forward to my Monday 12-2 p.m. appointment window. At about 12:05, I get a text and an email letting me know Jeff was on his way. (The email even had a picture of Jeff, so I'd know he was legit.) Jeff was at my house my 12:30. I'll skip the boring details, but: He did a thorough inspection, trying to rule out everything. He told me my main water line was already on, which I insisted couldn't be true, since the City of Henderson had been out the night before (and I had no water in the AM!) In any event, we couldn't get the leak to start again, which seemed out. I started worrying it was a slow leak, which likely meant a slab leak, which almost certainly would be $3000 or more in repair costs. After testing for toilet leaks, inspecting the pool, etc., Jeff advised we keep the main water on and the irrigation line off. If in a few days there was no leak, we'd know it was almost certainly the sprinkler line. If so, he told me, I'd need to use my landscape guy, since Pure doesn't work on irrigation systems. It all sounded reasonable to me-- especially since Jeff was pretty sure the leak WAS in the irrigation systems, and was basically turning down the chance to make any money.
What happened next is kinda comical. Turns out my gardener had come over a few hours earlier, when I wasn't home. Without talking to me, he had identified--and fixed!-- an irrigation system leak. The reason Jeff couldn't find anything? THE PROBLEM HAD BEEN FIXED! LOL. Now, I wish my gardener had, you know, let me know he had done this. But: I was (a) happy the leak was fixed (b) very happy I wouldn't be spending thousands of dollars and (c) impressed that Jeff clearly had not taken advantage of my ignorance to "fix" something which was no longer broken. Remember, I had no idea my gardener had been over; I just knew I had had a big leak the day before. Jeff could've easily pretended to do some digging and re-piping. He didn't. He just spent a half-hour in the heat inspecting everything, and then spent another 15 minutes in my house inspecting toilets, water softener, water heater... all to rule things out. He was friendly and informative throughout.
Bottom line: Pure was great from my first contact with customer service to Jeff's visit to the handy e-mail invoice they sent about 20 minutes after he left. And yes, the invoice was in the amount of $0.00. Pure spent 45 minutes at my house and didn't charge a dime.
Obviously I can't evaluate Pure's workmanship, since I didn't have to use their services. And I'm also sure they're not on the cheap side of the cost equation. What I do know is that this is an honest company, a customer-friendly company, a tech-savvy company, and a company I will definitely use again if & when I need a plumber.