Wow, reading the other review, guess waiting for your food to be served can be an issue at this restaurant. Try waiting an hour and 1/2. Other diners were so perturbed they left in frustration; the intrepid restaurant staff then offered the departed diners plates to those still waiting for food - TACKY.
By the time our food was served, my mother in-laws hot beef was COLD. They supposedly were short 2 cooks. Since they had a large group of women and a Red Hat society that seemed to get their food in good timing, maybe the cooks walked out mid-shift. My husband wouldn't let me make a stink, but after a wait that long, with a hot dish being served cold, there should have been an offer at comping a meal or taking a certain percentage off. How on earth does this place survive?
Salsa was good, shredded beef chimi I had was below average and over-fried. At least I know now if ever antiquing in Glendale again I can avoid this restaurant!
So far the downtown Glendale restaurants I have tried have been sub-par and not worth trying again (Kimberly Ann's Tea Shop was the other).