this company is contracted by AHS home warranty, make sure nothing goes wrong on late Friday, Saturday, Sundays or holidays IF YOU HAVE A WATER LEAK you will need a boat or life vest, came in on a Wednesday and told me most of the things that needs to be fixed on my hot water heater is not covered by the warranty, $700.00 out of pocket.
$125.00 for an earthquake strap???(home depot has it for less than $20.00) plus my old one already have one and can be used again(same size H2O same place, it does not take a rocket scientist to figure this out) city permits for $125.00 ( you can get one on line for $25.00) read most of the reviews for water heater replacement MOST or ALL of them have the same issues (DO I NEED TO SAY MORE)???? AMERISCAM HOME WARRANTY WHAT DO YOU COVER? ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE?