I won't just copy the Mr's review verbatim, since I'm a classy gal. But I could.
You simply MUST track down King of Pops and buy a couple (or a dozen) frosty, friggin amazing popsicles.
Now before you start judging me as a weak-minded, sugar-addicted preschooler...well, go ahead. That's pretty much true. But honestly. I think between the 2 of us, we consumed 7 popsicles in under 24 hours. It's a toothsome and not terribly expensive fixation.
Oh, and they take credit cards.
What can I recommend? Let's see...
* Mango Habañero
* Mango Blackberry
* Banana Cinnamon
* Mango Habañero
* Mango Habañ.....
Ah, I guess you get the picture. Follow them on twitter or look on their website for where they will be every day.
My only lament is that their cart isn't set up right outside my apartment. Hmmmm....