My gf and I decided to spend our New Year Eves here and ended up going home. The night started off fine. It was different from other places and the unisex bathroom was an experience. About 15 minutes atfer midnight a guy got behind me and started dancing. I felt uncomfortable and moved to the side, he followed me. I was looking for a security guard and I couldnt find one. It got so uncomfortable that my gf tapped him and told him to step away. The guy got very offensive and was trying to get in her face. Luckily I was in the middle of the two. I kept looking for a security guard but nothing. I thought I had calm the guy down. He said he was sorry but then threw a drink in her face. I told him he had to leave us alone. He said that if a woman hits him he has the right to hit her back. I told him to step away. At that moment I was scared and desperate because I wasn't sure what he could do next. I couldn't find a security guard and no one to help. Even though the scene caught a couple of people attention, there was no help. The guy was getting closer to my gf and forming a fist, we were close to get beaten up by some random dude. Whether they were his friends or not, the man was pushed away by a small crowd towards the exit. I went behind them and told the gentleman at the door about what had just happend. He asked me if my gf was ok but it was probably nothing unusually for the night for his reaction was nothing more than a drunks story.
I can't see myself going back. What a way to start the New Year. Should have stayed home and drank my wine. Didn't feel safe there and the people around us didn't seem to care enough. Left the place crying, arguing with my gf and probably a raffle winner but I will never know. I wish Stacy the best but this place will never be for us. My gf wears hearing aids and it was a situation that could have gone really bad, I'm just glad we made it home safe. I understand why my friend doesn't do gay bars.