I can see the excitement of an ice cream stuffed donut, hey, it's why I visited this week. Sometimes the novelty of a food marriage is done well and sometimes it just doesn't work for *me. I feel like the donut took away from the awesome flavor of Novel's ice cream; however, the ice cream here stands on its own extremely well.
We sampled five or six of the flavors and I ended up choosing cherry ice cream on a donut. The sample I tried was awesome, but after a few bites of the stuffed donut, I had a tough time tasting the ice cream. I ended up eating their delicious ice cream and scrapping the donut.
I'd definitely come back for the ice cream, but I won't be ordering the donut next time. Now don't let my opinion stop you from trying their donut or waffle sandwiches, the combo just wasn't for me, but the ice cream was delicious on its own. The owners were super nice and are excited to offer delectable desserts to anyone with a few $ to spare!
Happy Yelping Phoenix, eat more ice cream. :-)