| - Sunday morning, 9 am - ish, after a night of fun and enough alcohol consumption, got woken up, well more of got pushed out of bed to make breakfast. Checked fridge, not enough eggs for two. Checked coffee, no coffee.
So we decided to drive down a couple blocks to Queen St. E, The Beach ( and yes I like to call it The Beach instead of The Beaches, one syllable shorter, easier to say and sounds cooler). Was hard to find a parking spot at first but after 5 minutes or so, we end up parking in front of this restaurant, with people walking and in out, like H&M or GAP on boxing day. I can smell bacon and over boiled - not poached - eggs, from the outside, so we decided to walk in.
Luckily there is no line up, even tho the place seemed packed, we got our table right away, sat down and had our about to be devoured hangover breakfast order taken away. I had their steak and eggs, the steak is not how I really wanted it, but my friend ordered it for me as I went to the bathroom ( and there's this bathroom story later). She got me medium - well, but its ok, it's a breakfast steak, can't expect too much. My over easy eggs were over easy, home fries were seasoned nicely, and my brown toast were brown and nicely toasted. The lovely lady who served our table were lovely, friendly and very pleasant. My friend seemed to have enjoyed here breakfast, can't really remember what she had. Service was quick and fast, it was quast. They don't accept debit though, so bring cash. Its cheap, so you will not need to bring a lot, our bill end up around $20.00, so its not bad at all, and you get to walk around and enjoy The Beach!
The Bathroom Story:
I went to the bathroom, did my thing (the thing where I have to stand up and release some waste fluid out of my body, and not the dirty alone lonely thing), then suddenly I heard noises, farm noises! There was a cow, chicken, hmm maybe horses. I opened the cubicle, thinking maybe there's some kind of a farm in there , and making sure I'm not drunk still or something. But it was empty, nothing! Then the cow mooooooed again, I looked up and there's a speaker on top, they play farm noises in the bathroom, weird thing to play but gave me a story to tell.