RIp off maybe an understatement... First the monthly it is the most expensive monthly payment gym in that area for what they have to offer, which isn't much. When i was signing up i was promised all kinds of equipment and perks on getting a membership. Nothing but lies, they will tell you anything to get you into the door and sign up for a over priced membership. Only thing i saw that he promised was cable tv after 5 months of signing up only to have it for a month and the owner took it out. Their are hardly any weights, if more than 3 people are using the weight area you'll be waiting for a bench or weights. Alot of empty rooms to show that he (the owner) lied on many open promises. I been a sucker i mean a member since its been open and nothing has been done to improve the gym. It hasn't been cleaned since i been a member. I can go forever on here, can't wait till my membership is up so i can never come back in.