The only way a outside park would get under 5 stars with me is if it turned into a Mad Max style wasteland but even then I would probably still score it 4 stars and this park is no wasteland by any means, so 5 stars and this review is needed.
More like a waste land of pleasure than a post apocalyptic fall out, Schenley Park is an outdoor getaway right in Pittsburgh's back yard. If you let yourself, you could get completely lost here for a whole day and time would fly by. Swim at the pool, visit the Conservatory, Bike the trails, party at a pavilion, play disc golf, run the track, explore deep in and participate in a mix of seasonal activities they hold for all ages. I think if everyone came here one day a week the world would be a lot less violent and more understanding. With a killer view of the city at its high point Schenley Park is one of the city's greatest outdoor offerings.
Make this your next Sunday adventure.