Arizona Small Dog Rescue is a wonderful rescue and I wouldn't adopt a dog from another rescue. As of February 2017 it will be two months since my fiancé and I adopted a handsome Shih Tzu named Marley. I would like to give you some background on Marley so you can understand how wonderful this rescue is. Marley was picked up by county animal control about a year or two ago. Arizona Small Dog Rescue took Marley even though he had behavioral issues. Upon arrival to Arizona Small Dog Rescue, it was apparent that Marley had behavioral issues because he was too terrified to let anyone put a collar let alone a leash on him, he would growl and try to bite people. This is called fear aggression in dogs and obviously stems from being a fearful dog who was mistreated by people. Instead of putting Marley in isolation two wonderful women decided to help this dog get a second chance. Marley needed to leave the rescue in order to form bonds with people in a positive way. A lady who works with the Rescue, Lisa, found a great dog trainer named Galen to help Marley and she decided to foster him. The trainer Galen worked with Marley for well over four months to show him that not all people are bad. Before rescuing Marley my mom had adopted a dog from Arizona Small Dog Rescue. Best rescue! Their name says small dogs but they have all kinds of dogs breeds and sizes!