I always have fun here.
I went here on new years this year and had a good time.
I did see the most pathetic lesbian here. She wore her make up and dressed just ike the Shane Character in the LWord.
Al I could think was, WOW what a loser.
and I wish I was that skinny
Do you have no personality that you wear a costume everyday.!!
So I was with my girlfriend in line and we were holding each other. She walked away for five seconds and asked my girlfriend for her number.
My girlfriend totally dissed her.
I walked up and you could see the fear in her eye. She just kept saying Sorry, Sorry, Sorry.
Well anyway aside from that I like this place.
But dont go in the bathroom unless you have to. There are always tranny's doing coke or k in the womens bathroom.
Make sure and use a tissue to lock and unlock the stall