You landed at McCarran and due to the TSA restrictions you realize dang, I forgot my eye drops and since it's a desert out here your eyes dry out fast. Or you might want to pick up some stuff for the mother of all hangovers you're going to have from exploring the Strip all night. If your cab driver doesn't long haul you through the airport tunnel and goes North instead this Walgreens location might be worth stopping at. It's not on the Strip so you don't pay Strip prices, but it's also a straight drive down Flamingo to the middle of the Strip for easy access to the Flamingo, the Quad, and the Cromwell when your done. And this Walgreens is a 24 hour location so if you had to you can do a one time scrript transfer if you really forgot something you can't be without (but be prepared to wait and wait, and wait some more for the pharamcists to make that happen).
3 Stars. Some people consider any area outside of Summerlin to be sketchy...and yes there are homeless people around. Get in, get out, mind your business and you won't have any issues shopping here.