Do Not let them move you. First and foremost they don't tell you about there hidden driving fee. It is $99 an hour so as soon as they pull up it is already at $99. I clearly am a lady and the black ghetto male said hi sir how what all you got for us to move. They came in the house bitching they had to break the beds down. Then they want to charge you for these boxes on the truck that are beat up and broken. They then want to charge you for shrink wrap and tape. Lots of hidden fees. They go over the little contract and say we don't mind tips. Constantly begging for tips. These fools make you pay them before they unload you at your new residence. They rush and argue with one another for a half ass job. They literally moved all our stuff into our new residence and left our mirror loose to the dresser, bang your walls up trying to leave the bed half put together so it fits thru the door, then they left the baby crib all on the floor without putting it together, didn't put the two girls beds together because they didn't have the right tools. They broke it down with tools but they needed a butter knife to put it back together. Stfu what idiots. I left a 0$ tip to these worthless f$%+#. I called to complain they sent a handyman out free of charge because I was that pissed. This man had a strip club shirt on and when I tipped him he was a smart ass like o this will really fill up my gas tank. O mind you they answer there phones and waste time while you are paying per hour. They also get in arguments with your new neighbors that need them to move the truck around so they can get in and out. DO not use them. If you call and complain good luck because the Vegas mngmnt office guy in charge is a complete worthless business man.