This shit hole deserves a negative 0!! BY FAR THE MOST HORRIBLE PLACE EVER !! Run
Where to start ! I called asking for the medusa lip piercing price. I was told it was 60 bucks.. I decide to go. I get there Johnny or jimmy ( old guy with Mohawk with the shakes !) the only one there tells me it's now 50 bucks. I'm thinking I guess there just throwing numbers out ! Anyway I fill out my release form and pay and get started ... Normally you pay last which was odd .. That was the first red flag.. So I get to the chair he puts gloves on and doesn't even wash.. My best friend was with me and she asked him your not going to wash your hands ! He Says what are you a nurse I just came back from the restroom .. So at this point this is second red flag but I already paid so let's get it over with.. He marks where to pierce me about a million times still not straight ! When he was close enough he said ok I got I'll I'll aim more over to the left !! And doesn't remark me ok wtf .. He pierce me and it's not straight which I didn't know until he was trying to put the jewelry in and it FELL OUT WTF !! so I'm bleeding everywhere and he has pierce me again ! Now my nerves are bad ! I've had almost every piercing never been through this ! So he pierced me the second time better placement then the first but now it's too low ! And slightly off ! He barley even wipes the blood off my lip he leaves and go talk to some guy that walks in when he was finishing up with me .. Gives me a quick run down on how to clean my piercing .. I got this piecing done Christmas Eve.. So now it's Christmas my lip is swollen ! Which that's normally... I had ice on my face all day !! And took 3 ibuprofen it's 8 pm by now my lip should be as swollen as it was when I woke up .. I went to sleep woke up about 10:30 And look at my piercing !! Where the fuck is it!! My skin is starting to cover the gem ! So I freak out ! I push it back thru ! I'm bleeding all over again and more pain ! So I call precious sluts ! Right next Door they are awesome ! ! There open ! Go down there ! I spoke with a piercing I was told my piercing was to low and it's very crooked and it will never heal !! So I'm out of 50 bucks .. The customer service is horrible at crown !! They need to be shut down ! Your pretty much getting robbed ! RUN FAR AWAY !! I only put a start to post my review ! Which this is something I don't do