Not as thorough or welcoming as I would think they should be. I felt let down by my visit. It was as if I was interrupting their day and an inconvenience to them. The medical assistance wasn't very friendly. When I walked back, the PA was at the desk watching Netflix on her laptop. After vitals were taken by the medical assistant, the PA came in and asked some questions from a distance. My visit was not thorough. I presented with pain and swelling with an unknown cause - no trauma, but yet, an x-ray wasn't taken - nor was a plan of care really offered. I feel like I wasted my time and money by visiting here. After a follow up with a specialist it was determined that I had a hairline stress fracture (which often presents without trauma) - this could have been determined in my initial visit to this Banner UC Center had they taken an x-ray and not been as eager to return to their Netflix show.