| - Terrible from top to bottom. My daughter spiked a 100+ fever after a round of vaccines, so we went to get her checked out in the ER. First, the nurse insisted on taking a rectal temperature even over my objections. Then, we waited four hours in an absolutely disgusting waiting room to see a PA (not even an MD). When we asked what on earth could be taking so long, a rude, condescending, unprofessional nurse took a break from gossiping with her colleagues to sneer an explanation as to "how the hospital works" (it doesn't). Then, as icing on the cake, we get a bill for over $800. To see a PA. And to be prescribed ibuprofen. This is by far the worst, that's not hyperbole, ER experience I have ever had. People with sick kids shouldn't be subjected to this and PCH should be ashamed of themselves. I will never, and I mean never, return to this hospital.