I am not one who write about fast food chain normally. But I feel the need to say this location is consistent with its service quality. If I go there often enough, they would recognize me and say hi. This location also has the lovely hand wipes, which is fabulous to have around if you just need a quick clean wipe before eating. Several times recently I went during lunch hour and they had balloon people making balloon toys for kids. I think that's great. I even got a ladybug made for my co-worker to bring home to her little girl. And last time the (rather creepy) cow was there, high-5-ing people and entertaining kids (or maybe scaring a few along the way).
I do have to warn you, parking is difficult here. Heck, going in and out of this place can be a task on its own during peak lunch time. It's not uncommon to see Woodlawn traffic in a standstill because there's a line waiting to turn into Chick-Fil-A. My suggestion is just go there little earlier or later and avoid the crowd.