| - Goddard ends up looking good online by default so as a courtesy to other parents I'd like to offer up a legitimate review for Goddard in comparison to a couple other local centers (competitors). We initially went to Goddard due to the high marks online (on Yelp in particular). The reality is that preschools/daycare centers in this area are not reviewed online as much as they should be. Many centers have no online presence other than their own websites which leaves Goddard the sole beneficiary of a few parents who have bothered to post online. This particular Goddard location has good front door security and an emphasis on education, both of which are critically important when selecting a preschool. However, many of Goddard's competitors offer good security and education and so much more for a better price. After our experience with Goddard, we shopped around quite a bit. My husband and I were shocked at how much we had been paying at Goddard for how relatively little we had actually received in comparison to nearby competitors (Gateway, CosKids, and Chesterbrook to name a few).
Essentially, it's easy to believe that Goddard is great if you have nothing to compare it to. The things we did not like about Goddard (in no particular order) that we have thankfully not witnessed at nearby competitors:
- Not as fresh and clean as it could be...Goddard has that strange, off-putting daycare smell that will cling to clothing and follow your child home.
- High prices/owner's rigidity in terms of working with parents to reduce fee burden during extended vacations, etc.
- What you get for what you pay...not a whole lot. No food included, food costs extra at Goddard. We spoke to other parents who did pay for food and they reported that their children would frequently be served something different than what the parents had paid for/what the menu had promised.
- If Goddard has an in-service day (a day in which your child must stay home) you'll still pay the day's fee (see point #3 above).
- Children are locked into rooms by a wooden bolt; this is actually not in keeping with current fire safety standards...children have no way to open the doors themselves to escape in the event of an emergency. I'm surprised the fire marshal hasn't intervened on this one yet.
- Student to teacher ratios are high, bumping right up against state standards. Our child's teacher (towards the end of his time at Goddard) was always stressed out. Every time I went to pick him up I heard her yelling and witnessed her being unnecessarily rough with the kids (yanking them by one arm, etc.). Honestly this was the final straw for me. I get that a room full of toddlers is difficult, but that's what these teachers sign up to do....that's the job. My child's teacher seemed very overwhelmed by day's end when she was by herself with 8 or 9 toddlers.
- Packing your child's daily lunch and snacks from home is tedious; tiny labels with full names/dates must be on every single food item. The lunch lady will regularly ruin your Tupperware (even after you ask to her please stop) by microwaving the lids...particularly annoying if you're buying the expensive BPA-free stuff.
- It's a standard center on a busy street next to strip malls...there's nothing special about the space itself or the outdoor play space. Unfortunately this is a typical finding for centers in this area with a few exceptions.
For me, this Goddard location is a one on the Yelp scale. That being said, you might find that it's a great fit for you and your family. I would simply suggest that you do your homework before you make that decision. Don't just rely on online ratings research as that will be misleading. Get out there and pound the pavement. Do discovery day visits at other local a few of them and really think about what you're getting for your money. Compare the staff at each they seem happy, do they seem overwhelmed? Talk to other parents in the community. Don't be afraid to talk to preschool teachers - many of them have worked at several centers and they can give you the insider scoop on each place. When it comes to your children and who's going to be looking after them when you're not present there's no such thing as too much research/too much vetting.