| - Received a coupon in the mail. Decided to get the teeth cleaned and exam for the $25.00 coupon price. Made a 2:00 pm appointment, arrived about 15 minutes early.
Then was given the "form" to fill out, that wants all of your personal health history, medications, diseases..etc. My health history is NONE of anybodys business....except my personal doctors.
I told the receptionist I wasn't filling out the form fully, just my name, address, phone number, everything except my personal health information...she should have told me then...we won't see you.
The dentist, who never even introduced himself to me...shows up at 2:45...45 minutes after my "initial appointment time"..and starts to ask these "form questions" to me...I reply, my health history is personal and you don't need it.. he says, we're in the health field it's just customary to know your health history in case... In case of what? He's NOT a doctor, if anything were to happen to me..they would call 911! So...after waiting and waiting all that time, I'm refused service because I won't fill out a form giving out my personal health history and information!! WTF? My money is still green! Doctors and Dentists are 2 separate entities in the health field. Hmm, when you think about it cosmetologists...could have you fill out the same irrelevant form, stating they work with your hair and nails, which are a part of the body, so they're in the health field" too.
DID these "Dentists" take a Hippocratic oath?...NO, they don't!
Next time, I will fill out the stupid "FORM".....BUT...I'm making everything up...because they have no idea if what I just wrote down on their "FORM" is the truth or even resembles the truth!