Cox is terrible. For the tier 1 internet their download speed is ok if not a bit of overkill but their upload speed is a joke. I think it tests something like 1.5mb down/256k up. The 256 being an arbitrary cap because they think all of their customers are idiots who just download music from limewire. There are other internet options but to get decent UP you have to double the price.
The COX internet is crap because Comcast provided me with 6mb down 2.8 mb up internet for close to the price i am paying Cox.
The TV is not too bad but I do get a random quarter second delay in the video feed from time to time. I get no DVR service with the moderate package i chose. I believe with satellite at the same price range I would have a DVR. Forget about getting the HD package I only have an undergraduate degree I dont make PHD money... which is what it would take to afford Cox HD.
The Cox On Demand service is a joke. Not only is it way over priced compared to just using Netflix but every time I go to use it to watch a movie the background comes up but no options. I have to do a cold boot on the box in order for it to load the On Demand properly.
Cox uses contractors... lots of contractors who never.. ever get the job done right. I have had Cox installed twice both by contractors and neither time did it work properly. When I complained they sent out a real Cox employee who said the contractor did not even do what he said he was going to do which was go in the attic and connect my bedroom outlets since they had no signal. The real employee did fix the problem but told me if the master bedroom was not connected he could not fix it because "there are lots of rafters up there". Luckily it was already connected but give me a break.. you want me to pay you for a service you are not going to set up properly?
Comcast gave me much better internet and much more reliable TV/OnDemand services for a lower price. Comcast did use contractors as well and they were dumb too. I know this is not a review of Comcast but it was not until I had their service in another state that I realized how bad Cox was.