If The Improv chain didn't bring in such amazing comedians, this place would be totally screwed.
I always have fun watching the comedians, but I can't help but leave with such a bitter taste in my mouth from how much of a rip off this place is.
First you buy the tickets, but if you buy online you have an outrageous service charge. The real kicker is having to buy a minimum of 2 items during the show, beers are $5 or $6 and the cheapest things on the menu, I believe. Cocktails are $11-$13. I think glasses of wine are around $8. There is a pretty good selection of food options.
The improv does have a lot of great comedians who pass through! Even the opening acts are generally great! Line up early if you want a great seat right in the front!
The point is, a night at the Improv will be fun, but if you aren't prepared for it, it can end up being a pretty unexpectedly and unreasonably expensive affair.