Tequila Bookworm....sigh...there is so much to say about the Worm. It has a lot of history and has had about three reincarnations. Its current state I think is one of identity crisis as some have pointed out. Here's the history: was a great, eclectic cafe before it moved and kind of retained that status until it changed. Then it became lap top central and not as focused on its book/magazine selection. Now owned by the very lovely Jeff who worked his way up the ranks and is a good manager but needs to pick one vision.
I get where Jeff is coming from (my assumption): don't want to lose the old cafe, lap top toting clientele that made the cafe what it was but wants to make money because when you have 50 people sitting at a cafe for 8 hours taking up your capacity, you're not exactly turning a profit. There are more deuces but that said, I miss the old decor a little bit. It made it more unique; more Queen street.
Now that the Portland Centre with corporate names are across the street, I'm curious as to how and if Tequila survives. But I want it to because it was such a great place. It just needs to be ONE THING. or Two distinct things.
I am the said lap topper but I don't work here anymore because 1. I'm on the other side of the city working and no longer freelancing. 2. it's loud with the music and I can't guarantee if I'll get any work done. So I'd rather go somewhere that I can rely on.
I wonder where my fellow patrons have gone as well or if they still come because Tequila was (is?) such a great melting pot of young, vibrant creative souls (as aloof as we all are).
And a NOTE: Can I just say how awesome it is to have a cafe to work after 11 pm is?! That is central?! It's really a plus and one thing that sets Tequila apart from the competition. I cannot say how many times they have saved me when I couldn't focus at home.
They have a lovely ginger tea here. Their walnut, asiago salad was my fave back in the day; then the fave changed to the salmon and cream cheese plate with lots of capers. And their desserts are tasty...make sure you get one of those waffles. Delish!
That said, in the summer it's great to kick back a brew on their rooftop patio. Another way that you can easily spend hours here.
I miss this place. I truly do. It was one of my Toronto landmarks. And I hope that its new incarnation can be as addictive to a new clientele as it was to its old one, especially with the changing landscape and gentrification of Queen Street West.