| - I probably should have done my due diligence in July of 2016 before signing up for the Petsmart-Banfield "Wellness" Plan as they have thousands of online complaints., just on this one website. Banfiled pushes this wellness plan hard as if you sign up for this plan, they automatically deduct from your bank account $35.95 monthly for among other things, UNLIMITED office visits. Well as you may know, it can be expensive to have a pet seen at a veterinarian's office, so I agreed as to have peace of mind in case my pet needed to be seen. Flash forward one year to Friday July 14th. Jasmine, my dog that I found through a rescue organization 3 years ago, I could tell she was not feeling well for a couple of days and then started throwing up and experiencing diarrhea. She had not been drinking water as usual so I feared she may also be dehydrated. I took Jasmine over to our neighborhood Petsmart at Christown, where they host a Banfield Hospital at the rear of the store. It was 4pm on Friday and they had no medical staff available. I spoke with the store manager and he advised there was a staffing issue that day which left the hospital closed. I asked him to find out if another Banfield close by could take a look at Jasmine as she needed to be seen urgently. He called both the Deer Valley location and the Desert Ridge locations and both locations declined to see Jasmine as they were fully booked for the rest of the day. Clearly, Banfield Hospital have oversold their Wellness plan as they cannot even see an animal with an urgent need. The Unlimited office visits is a wonderful benefit of the plan but worthless if you have a sick pet and they refuse service. I complained directly to Banfield via email and they returned a standard form letter letting me know they will not withdraw further payments from my account. Meanwhile, I have paid for this service and when my pet needed them the most, we were turned away.