Thinking of going to LA Fitness? BE YE NOT SO FOOLISH!
They talked me into personal training with weekly weigh-ins, a personalized meal plan, shopping excursions to Whole Foods - the whole nine. I was pretty stoked. Until, of course my trainer no-showed for a solid month. Then the second trainer quit after one session. Then the THIRD trainer quit. Before I knew it, my pre-paid sessions had expired before I'd even been able to use them.
I texted the Josh the VP, who was supposed to be "my guy" after the month of no-shows and my text sat unread and unanswered for 5 days. Not much of a guy. But really, not calling you back is kind of just the LA FItness way. Everyone I've talked to is like, "gosh, that's not the experience we want" but they sure aren't doing anything to fix it.
With NO refund in sight and NO services delivered, I'm out $700. That's what I call getting swindled by business.