The Lakefront Cafe is another Union favorite. Back in my day, it was the type of low-pro venue where you could sit and chat for a while or do some homework. There were funky booths and tables; the decor had obviously been last updated in the '70's. Distinct from the generally younger crowd that frequents the next door Rathskeller, this dining room hosts an older crowd, dominated by grad students, faculty, and staff, with a smattering of brave undergrads. Basically a cafeteria serving hospital-style comfort food (which I happen to like), except for the awesome floor-to-ceiling windows spanning across the entire front of the terraced room offering a 180-degree view of Lake Mendota and north to the distant Middleton hills. In my waining days in Madison, this old haunt was re-vamped as a mini food court with accent lighting and disappointing results.