AWFUL service,
I've requested the driver ring my bell when a package is delivered. I made this request to several people in key positions in the company on several different occasions. For some reason, the driver can't wrap his mind around notifying a house hold when he's dropped a package. Today was the bomb, we were home and heard a huge sound at our front door. I ran out to find my package, the back was a little wet. I went to pick it up and an oil I'd ordered had broken in the box, that's how high/hard he let the box drop. Do yourself a favor if you are a company that uses OnTac, DON"T. I now have oil all over my front doorstep, front door, my pants and the other products that were in the box.
Do yourself & the companies that choose to use OnTrac a favor and call them, tell them under any terms, do not use this company. I did and now all my orders will come via Fedex. Thank you Vitacost...