| - So I'm pretty much going to just be repeating what most people are saying. The aloft is in a good location in terms of getting around in uptown Charlotte, but unless you are rocking out with your collar popped or in your 9in heels, then you'll be unhappy with the noise level of this hotel.
It's kind of a party hotel in the fact that all of the surrounding businesses are night clubs and bars and hotel itself is built to be trendy and aimed towards the younger crowd.
Now I know what you're thinking. This old man just can't handle the awesome-ness. Well this only man is only 32. Though past the age of spending my nights at trendy night clubs, I'm still fine with a little noise. The night we stayed was probably a fairly rare exception, though I could be wrong. There was an Eagles cover band playing on the patio of one of the bars (which ended up being lined up with our window and 2 floors down). It was actually so loud in our room at midnight, that I was convinced that I could checkout any time I liked, but I could never leave.
When the band wasn't playing, the noise level just kind of turned to white noise. It was a little louder than city noise, but nothing terrible. If you demand a silent hotel, even this level of noise would be too much, but for me, it was fine.
The beds are not as comfortable as beds in other W hotels, but the room itself was nice, clean, and modern.
Parking kind of sucks as the only way to get an in/out service without having to pay each time is through valet, and after tip, you may as well just pay the in/out fees and park yourself. The other crappy part about parking is the parking garage is the same for all of the night clubs around you, so just parking to get to your hotel requires you to navigate for a while to find parking and share the elevator with gaggles of co-eds that think your backpack suitcase is sooooo 2003.
The only other things I really didn't like about the aloft was the party music blasting in the elevator and the smell of the lobby. The elevator would be a nice place to have a quiet moment, but instead you have to speak up just to have a conversation. And whoever had the idea of spraying a 55 gallon drum of air freshener into the lobby every min of the day must either really love air freshener or has anosmia.