I loved this store until last night. I want to point out the positive of this store first. You park walk in , shop and then walk out so convenient it's great. I have been shopping for both me and my son for clothes. I don't mind the extra cost because the service was good. Last week I had Jay Wilson amazing selling me a suit knowing my size by just looking at me the man knows his stuff. I told Jay I will be back for dress shoes and shirts, what a mistake.. I could not get any help lastnight at all 5 people in the men's department standing around is completely crazy. Last week my son wanted a shirt it was a the tag said large but the shirt was xxxl. Because the shirt didn't have the yellow tag and I didn't have the receipt on me they couldn't help. Target can look up your receipt with your credit card. He was upset and I was also. I spent over 700 last week. Stupid.