One word ... OUCH! The male technician who was assigned to do my nails was unpleasant. Long story short: I was gouged with the cuticle remover tool, had lumpy gel on my nails and skin, and had an anxiety attack during my short time there. I have experience with proper nail techs, so I knew what he was doing and telling me was wrong. I went to the salon to have a nice girl's day out, but it turned into something much more.
First off the nail tech told me that you can't get 3D nail art on top of gel, but that is what I had on them already from another salon. I am weary on his certification, because his knowledge and technique were a miss. My fingers were very sore after the damage he did. My cuticles and skin took a while to grow back and was very painful for a while.
I was disappointed and embarrassed of the work he did that I had them remove everything and left. The removal was even sloppy, because I had gel on my cuticles still.
Overall: beware