| - I drink, and thus BUY, a lot of wine. Just saying. Captive as we are by this ridiculous PA State Store system, it becomes a necessity to frequent these places (for me, its quite a regular occurrence). I've been to so many I can't even begin to count. I've developed favorites judged soley on the criteria of the wine selection. I assume you hard liquor drinkers can get that more ubiquitously than us wine snobs where, to be sure, the wine selection varies considerably by store location. I always liked the Perry Highway location - probably one of the first to go to the super store concept. Then I converted to the East Liberty location - spectacular selection for a state owned enterprise. But I have to say, the Fox Chapel (Waterworks) location is the BEST of the stores.
Why is that you ask? I have my suspicions that it has to do with the demographics. I mean, it IS Fox Chapel, right? So they always have more premium wines, a more complete Chairman's Selection inventory, a clean atmosphere, and believe it or not, a couple guys who are wine experts! I know!! Amazing!! The guy who runs the wine desk (YES! They have one!!) is super knowledgeable, incredibly helpful (he got me a case of wine I wanted by gathering leftovers from other stores!), and knows where every single bottle is! You're in disbelief, I can tell. Can't be, you say. Isn't this a state owned and operated enterprise??? HA! But indeed, it's true. Pinch yourself.
Within the limitations we all face by being in one of the only two states that has state owned liquor stores, this place can almost make you feel that civilization is more than just an illusion.....