My flat tire was replaced in less than 20 minutes. Truth. Well they've got the machines for it. I called in emergency a little over 10 minutes to closing and was told as long as I'm there before 6pm. Awesommmme!
I had turned a corner coming from the foot spa and heard something repeatedly hitting my car in the back. Don't panic Jo; pull into a safe place and check. I watched my tire flatten with a long ffffffffffftt until there was no more air. I see you darn screwdriver. How in the world didja get stuck so purposefully???! Jerk.
Friends came to my rescue to put in the spare, and suggested Discount Tire since they were a just a mile away or so. Service mechanics were cool, accomodating, informative, really fast at completing the work.
I was iffy on the price but it's one tire for now and it's brand new. A 10 year warranty with guaranteed replacement NO MATTER what happens. Bring in the car; they'll replace the tire. I really like the guarantee. Especially considering how the roads are right now in the residential Westside LV with all the road construction and debree.
They do have used tires for a more affordable cost but there's no warranty on those. Yes you have an option to price shop. In my case I had a limited decision time. One thing I didn't ask is if they will price match. As far as I've heard however, Discount Tire came up twice from two different acquaintances. So it is! I thank you.