| - Chocolate makes me weak in the knees; one bite, I'm smitten. Instantly, I'm Sally and I'm having dinner with Harry and the rest is well, left to the imagination, and no "faking it" is involved.
I'm not a fan of luxurious fine chocolate. It seems bitter to my palate. I fit in with the demographics that these chocolatiers target, quite perfectly.
I'm crazy about the cute, bite sized squares which are wrapped so chic and daintily. If you're a nut like me, try the almond crunch, the macadamia crunch and the almond toffee crisp. (In that order, or not) If you're into trying something different and unique, they have pb&j w/ milk, cinnamon swirl, pudding pie and a cocktail collection that includes Mojitos, Margartias and Chocolatinis. Ethel's also has all the truffles to strike your curiosity tooth, earl grey tea truffle w/ milk, ginger citrus, pina colada and the standard dark and milk chocolate truffles.
Ethel's is a must either as party favors, that perfect souvenir or a quick chocolate pick me up after losing your ass in the casino. It'll give you that surge to go and win all your money back. So I've heard.