| - This review goes for all Zias in the chain. Let's talk about vinyl records, because this is where they're really dropping the ball. CD's, Movies, and the rest I have no problem with. But, when it comes to vinyl, Geeezus H.. It's garage sale quality records for FULL POP pricing. They're generally scratched and gashed up & even coated with dirt, as no one really seems to pay attention to the conditions. Warped as well. Who's in charge of buying this crap??? Return it with an issue, it's back in the same bin a day later at the same price. I've returned more than I've kept, and then I started going to specialized record stores such as Tracks On Wax and the Record Room, where attention is paid to the product and items are priced accordingly to their condition. The gang working at Zias are nice and friendly, but it seems these workers are far from expertise in their field. If I owned this chain, I'd hire actual skilled help as opposed to the hipster 'I don't give a shit' crew that runs it now.