As a tourist, Brasserie Capri is not in the usual path of interests. However, if you're reading this, you're probably interested in Quebec pork knuckles and you're probably thinking about going out of the way for it. It's not actually a knuckle, but the shank portion above the foot. It's braised in a slightly sour brine for hours until it's pretty much falling apart. What you get is a lump that would have you wondering if you do have some cannibalistic tendencies, some boiled potatoes and kraut.
It is the most porky meal I've ever had. It just exudes the robust flavor of the pig, the smell of cooked swine just radiates in all directions. You navigate through gelatinous skin and fat to softened meat with simply a fork. Gobs and gobs of pork fat and meat, tinged with a slight sourness of vinegar. Bonus: Suck that marrow out of the bone. Glorious.