The website purported itself to have fresh inventory from its tortilla/tostada factory. When I walked into the store everything was dusty. Reminded me of the old corner stores of Mexico in the tiny pueblos that only hold on by pity because of expired inventory (but great selection of potato chips). I looked for said fresh tortillas and tostadas. None but broken tostadas were found. The lady working there wasn't even Latin/Hispanic... which was disappointing to me. She didn't even speak Spanish. She ignored me and socialized until I interrupted her conversation which she was none too pleased about. I inquired about where I would be able to find a meat product and she had no idea what I was talking about. Her friend that didn't even work there was more help and nicer but even she didn't know either. The selection was dismal and I was wary because it was so dusty! Out of all the list of things I was going to buy I only got the canned hominy corn. I dusted off the price... expensive. Not surprised. Explored a little more, got nostalgic at some of the products and then went to check out. The lady was rude the entire checkout. I thanked her on the way out. I don't know why.
Never going back... might try the restaurant though, but reviews are 50/50 there too.