| - This place is an institution, a classic, and if you've never been i.e. visiting, it's a must go.
Plus, it's pretty easy to get to. Read the other reviews for opinions and photos :
And do me a favour, eat at the counter, and have a black cherry soda. CLASSIC.
In recent-ish news, they have an express/take out location next door.
Lastly, if the line is llooooooong as usual, like on the weekend, Prato on the other side of Shwartz'is great for oven cooked thin-crust pizza.
Sure, maybe it has lost some of it's lustre, but, sometimes you gotta check-in have a sandwich, just cuz.
Tip: Pick up their house branded chicken seasoning there.
It's prettay, prettay, prettay good. I always buy a few and have extra as gifts.
Bonus since I'm in a good mood: with a week or so notice, they can smoke a duck for you - I saw them in the windows during the holidays.