A high...4 for this Lulu!
Since I live in the area this is my go-to Lululemon store. Even though I haven't actually purchased anything Lulu since they began outsourcing to China, I still like to go into the stores once in a while to get a bit inspired to workout or be physically active in some way. Hmm...I just realised now how weird that may be...
Anywho - I discovered that this location offers a plethora of free after-hours activities including yoga, Zumba, and apparently they do a boot-camp every Wednesday in August!
I attended the Zumba with Carmen from Flirty Girl this past Monday and it was amazing. The best part is that her class is usually $20 per and here you can attend as many and all of the sessions you like - all free of charge. The staff are super friendly and seem like they generally want you to attend everything - I'm happy to oblige!
So as I cannot speak on their actual products in this store, I can touch on their excellent in-store culture, friendly and helpful staff, and kick-butt butt-kicking-and-shape-whipping activities! (-1 * for being made in China now)
Check out their schedule of free events: http://lululemon.com/toronto/queenstreet