| - This is one of the newer 99 Ranch locations and it shows it. It's all nice and clean and if you go early during the week, it's not crowded at all. Sunday afternoon might be a different story. I'm in Vegas for a few days and I wanted to see what this location was like compared to my local store in the Sacramento area. All the usual departments are here, like the dim sum ready to eat area as there's also the soup noodle and BBQ meat section with meats hanging on display. Roast Duck and BBQ pork can be had as well as ribs and whole roasted pig. This was next to the Chinese ready to eat deli. I think this section is not self serve the way it is in Sacramento, I'm not sure as I didn't get anything there.
What I did get was the Chinese pork spare ribs. There was just this beautiful rack hanging there (pork ribs not the other hanging rack!), and I just had to have it. I just said weigh the whole thing and lemme know what it weighs. Priced at around $10.50 a lb, it came out to about 4 lbs. I winced at the price on the scale, $42.00, but what the heck, you only live once. I was able to communicate OK with the staff, but it helps probably if you speak Chinese of some sort. At least they don't expect me to speak Chinese. I saw one Asian guy speaking English to them and they seem peeved he didn't speak Chinese! MY first chomp into those ribs was OMFG, is this some good ....uhhh food! The sweet and salted pork flavor mixed with the fat just created a foot stomping yummy eyes rolled back reaction! Yes, it tasted as good as it looked!
I also picked up some Asian snacks and browsed the meat and seafood departments. It looks just like all the rest of the 99 Ranches with fish on ice and tanks of live seafood. Just cause this is in the middle of the desert, doesn't mean you can't have fresh sea food, this is the day of modern transportation, just hours from the docks of LA! The produce looked very good here too. You'd probably have worse produce in the mid west than here in the middle of the desert!
I'm glad Vegas now has two 99 Ranch locations. Come early to avoid crowds! I got some BBQ Pork buns and those were really good too.