| - (Edited because I thought the original was too harsh):
I can't speak to the food, but I can certainly talk about the beer. Nothing irritates me more than overpaying for bad beer--and that's why I've given them the dreaded "one star."
Service was excellent and the place has a cool layout--nothing wrong with that. I want to issue an apology to Great Dane--your beers are not the worst/mediocre (Dane's were never bad, though) in Madison. I am sincerely sorry.
Capital charged $15 for a boot. I can now say I've had their entire lineup--from the overly-malty IPA to the cardboard-like Amber...this beer is simply not good. And by "not good", I mean just plain bad. I have NO idea how Madisonians voted this place for "Best of Madison"--I'd much rather have a $6 pitcher of Bud or PBR than the stuff Capital produces.
If you want good, local, well-brewed craft beer, go to Ale Asylum, Karben4, One Barrel, the Great Dane, or Vintage. Do NOT, under any circumstances, spend your money here.
I know it's a bad review, but words cannot describe how bad and overpriced Capital is. Yeah, it's a cool spot, but if you're charging me $5/beer (in Wisconsin)? It better be good. Brewers: I have no idea what you're doing, but when my homebrews come out 100x better than your stuff, I know there's a problem.