I hate parking in the lot, it's such a clusterf***. I also got called the N-word while I was putting my grocery bags in my car outside of this Smiths. I was quite confused, not at all upset to be honest. I just felt like mentioning that little story.
Personally though, I have no real problems here. I get everything at a fair price, it's way better than shopping at Walmart (and near cheaper too). Even though I don't talk to the staff much, I do feel like a regular. I enjoy the service, and they are the only place that has Chunky Soup specials that are 10 for $10. As a frugal bachelor, paying $2 for a date is awesome!
Plus I get brownie points for cooking the soup in a pan, and I save dozens of dollars by not going out to eat sushi instead.
Overall though, Smiths is pretty average but that's not bad at all. I've seen worse. Solid 3 stars.