| - I want to start by saying this place has been mine and my roommate's favorite bar, and in the 8 years she's been going there and past year for myself, we have not once had a problem until last night, 12/23/17. My friends and I came here for dancing like we do almost every Saturday night, right around midnight one of my friends and myself came back from a dance, a man sitting at one of the tables we had been sitting at and standing next to for the past hour or more, seemed to be arguing with another friend of ours who had been sitting there with his boyfriend. We found out this guy was getting upset at our friend for sitting next to him even though we had been sitting there and not once did anyone come to either table at any point for anything, yet this guy has now claimed the table and telling my friend he needs to leave. Keep in mind there were at least four or more tables completely open that this guy could have sat at, but my friend was nice enough to switch chairs to our other table. Then Santa (security guy) gets involved but instead of de-escalating the situation like he should have done things only got worse. The guy in the Santa suit refused to listen to both sides even after I and my roommate jumped in to try and talk to him since he came in half way and didn't seem to know the old guy started the argument and was antagonizing our friend to fight, took the old guys side and kicked our friend and his boyfriend out. Now I don't know if it had anything to do with the fact that my friend and his boyfriend were hugging, only hugging, no kissing, however I would hate to think that about this place and really hope that was not the case. But there was literally no other reason for this old guy to be upset. When I asked the guy myself why he was yelling at my friend to leave his only response was "its my table". No sir, no it was not. We had been sitting there for over an hour and this guy did not once come around. And who ever was playing Santa that night, you're an ass. You not once listened to my friends. Didn't try to get our side. Came into the conversation half way and didn't bother to know what was said beforehand. Your job is to find out whos in the wrong and remove the problem. Last night you kicked out the victim and let that drunk asshole get his way. After going to another security guy who recognized us and telling him what just happened, even he agreed you made the wrong call. Get a new job.