Went in 20 minutes before closing and it was very clear that they wanted to get me in and out. I had a splinter deeply lodged in my thumb and the physicians assistant or whoever it was looked at me like a deer in headlights.
She said that I needed a specialist because they were ligaments in the fingers. The splinter was in the tip of my thumb and simply needed to be lanced open. Clearly this simple procedure was far beyond the anabiotic's and painkiller cookie-cutter response that FastMed is capable of.
In my frustration of her inability to perform a simple procedure I said, "So basically I've wasted $25." Her response was absolutely unbelievable stating, "Pretty much." For real? A healthcare professional's response was "Pretty much you wasted $25 coming to see me!!!!" Wow???
And as I said before she offered me antibiotics and painkillers to which I said no to both. Pain killers and antibiotics were not going to solve the problem which was the foreign body deeply embedded in the tip of my finger...just ridiculous!
If you have anything beyond a cold, the flu, strep throat and the like, don't waste your time go straight to the emergency room FastMed is "a waste!"