We took our dog here for CCL knee surgery and were quite happy with the results. We were quoted $2315. and it actually ended up being a bit less. This price included the drugs and follow up visit. They got us into surgery the next morning, and Dr Toncray explained the ins and outs of the procedure, and gave us certain exercises to rehabilitate the knee.
This is a pretty common surgery with older dogs and the price charged was in line with what I read online. Of course larger dogs are more, and if you install a plate it can end up around $3200. So the morale of the story is don't let your older dog try to jump 30" into bed without a step or two to help her, unless you are independently wealthy.
I read some of the negative reviews and it sounds like people not watching their animals and letting them get poisoned or roughed up by another animal and expecting a shot to cure them. Also, it's not like an animal can say "hey my stomach hurts." Tests are pricey, but I feel that Ingleside is cautious about overcharging. Their follow up is great, at least with our experience they were excellent. We plan on having our 8 1/2 yo Cocker around for another decade, so we are happy to have a resource for quality canine care.