We moved into a house last May having lived in a high rise condo in Phoenix. Anyone who lives on the ground in the desert knows all too well that dealing with creepy crawlies isn't an IF it's a WHEN situation.
One day I noticed that every time I went into the kitchen to prepare food dozens of tiny black ants would suddenly appear all over the counters! Yuck! What was funny was that this only happened when I was in there cooking: the ants actually monitored vibrations and didn't waste any time scavenging a clean countertop. Ingenious!
We had noticed that the ants were forming long columns along all of our outer walls in the yard as they systematically went up and down draining our hummingbird feeders.
Like any other prideful do it yourselfer, I decided to pick up some ant bait at Home Depot and take care of the problem myself. Mistake. Remember, I was dealing with a creature with a brain the size of a grain of sand that had figured out that vibrations in the kitchen meant food was available!
Also, one night while we were killing ourselves suffering through a Shaun T Insanity workout in front of the TV, my wife noticed a column of ants going up the living room wall next to the fireplace! Ewwww!! Upon closer inspection, we saw that these clever little dudes were methodically carrying pieces of cat kibble from the bowls in the kitchen all the way around the living room and up the wall and out through a small hole in the stucco; a remnant from some old water damage not yet repaired by me. It took about 15 of them working together to carry one kibble! Not only that, they would often drop the kibble bit halfway up the wall and start over again! A Herculean effort! I had already called and booked with Insectek at this point for an appointment 2 days hence so I felt bad for them and broke the kibble into small bits so they could carry it up the wall. An hour later there was no trace left of the food or the ants! You gotta hand it to their work ethic!
Lucio came on time and proceeded to spray everywhere ants could possibly travel inside the house and out and even added insect powder into our masonry wall at the back of the property. He assured me that the pesticide was pet friendly once dry and it was safe to humans as well. Insectek had us sign a regular maintenance contract for 1 year during which they would come very 2 months. They promised any further insect problems accruing in between visits would be treated free of charge.
About 2 weeks after the first visit, the industrious critters had returned setting up a nest at the front of the house! Oh no! True to their word, Insectek was back the next day and zapped them to Kingdom Come!
We have happily paid for the bi monthly visits and have not seen a single ant since the second visit! Lucio also happily treats any new problems, such as the small black caterpillars we got on so e of our shrubs this summer. Insectek took care of them!
I highly reccomened Insectek! Sorry bugs, there's a new sherif in town and his name is Lucio and he comes with a very big Insectek stick!