Ok, My best friends from college HPU cooked for me, taught me and educated me on exactly what real Chamorro food is. lol They are real sticklers and are from Saipan and the neighboring islands. Not to and please NEVER get them confused wit guamanian. When they told me what they were I assumed they're from Guam. Oh boy was that a mistake. They said guamanian's not an ethnicity it's a nationality. There are two races their, those who are actually of Chomorru descent and those who are Philipino. Chomorru's will say they are just that, but the Philipino's will say they are guamanian. This is just the education I was given by them. I myself have some relatives from Guam, but they are Philipino. Ok, just a little Chomorru 101 education. lol On to the review.
When this place first opened a few years back down the street from me, I was Ecstatic. I haven't had this food for years. The run down:
I ordered 5 orders of chicken keleguin - I love this stuff and this place does it justice. MMM..mmm.mmm
I ordered a few other things, but this is what I went there for and man this is good.