This store needs remodeling BADLY. It is the ugly stepchild of the Harris Teeter family. No one loves this store including Harris Teeter! The store is old and I might say DIRTY. Yesterday I was looking at the meat case and they had chicken wings that had been frozen. They were almost BLACK from freezer burn!! The store manager apparently doesn't care. If you buy packages of meat here that have more than one slice, BEWARE! They bury the crap under the top cut which looks good. When you take your lamb chops home, you discover that you have only one good chop out of the package. That's an old supermarket trick from ages ago. DON'T stand for it!!!
They will wake up one day and discover that their customers have all gone to Publix, Fresh Market and Trader Joe's. It will be too late to correct. I'm surprised Kroger hasn't made changes in this store. Says a lot about Kroger, doesn't it?! Hey, even Food Lion is 10 times cleaner than this store.
Stay away if at all possible. Bad Eats!